
Our Team

Meet Our Financial Experts at TDT CPAs and Advisors

Brian Isom

Brian Isom
Tax Partner

Jodi Kerr

Jodi Kerr
Tax Partner

Mark Lechtenberg

Mark Lechtenberg
Tax Partner

Amanda Lane

Amanda Lane
Wealth Management Lead

Jaime Ackles

Jaime Ackles
Tax Partner

Todd Weber

Todd Weber
Chief Financial Officer

Darcee Ayers

Darcee Ayers
Tax Manager

Jill Brumbaugh

Jill Brumbaugh
Tax Manager

Laura Schanilec

Laura Schanilec
Tax Manager

Dennis Taylor

Dennis Taylor
Valuation Director

Avantax affiliated financial professionals may only conduct business with residents of the states for which they are properly registered. Please note that not all of the investments and services mentioned are available in every state.

Investment advisory services are offered through Avantax Planning Partners℠. Commission-based securities products are offered through Avantax Investment Services℠, Member FINRA, SIPC. Insurance services offered through licensed agents of Avantax Planning Partners. 3200 Olympus Blvd., Suite 100, Dallas, TX 75019. The Avantax entities are independent of and unrelated to TDT CPAs and Advisors.

The Avantax family of companies exclusively provide investment products and services through its representatives. Although Avantax Wealth Management℠ does not provide tax or legal advice, or supervise tax, accounting or legal services, Avantax representatives may offer these services through their independent outside business.

This information is not intended as specific tax or legal advice. Please consult our firm and your legal professional for specific information regarding your individual situation.

*Commission-based securities products are offered through Avantax Investment Services℠, Member FINRA, SIPC. Avantax entities are independent of and unrelated to TDT CPAs and Advisors.

Avantax Planning Partners℠, a Registered Investment Advisor.

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Looking to Expand Your Career in Finance? Work with TDT CPAs and Advisors!